Investing in Labs Group
The latest addition to Skyventures Portfolio is Labs Group. Here we would like to share our thoughts about the Labs group.
The Labs Group aims to democratize wealth in a mix of centralization and decentralization, putting the investor’s decision-making power back into their hands.
Labs want to provide real estate opportunities through the digitalization of assets. Labs provide retail investors access to borderless investment worldwide.
Labs are the world’s first end-to-end blockchain-powered real estate investment ecosystem.
Drawbacks of Traditional Real Estate System:
The average ticket price to invest in properties is too high. Most of the individuals couldn’t afford it. Exit costs are high due to agencies, middlemen commissions, and the inability to find a buyer to sell your asset fastly and efficiently.
The process of buying any asset to a retail investor in a foreign country is complicated.
In the Traditional real estate system, most of the Owners mostly sell to local markets. It often leads to selling at a lower price, huge agency costs, etc. Tokenizing assets solves the issue as they can trade their 24/7 worldwide.
High fees are levied in the form of Regional taxes, Agent taxes, Transactional fees, etc.; sometimes, these costs are unbearable to retail investors.
How Labs provide Solution?
Labs tokenize real estate assets on the blockchain provide secondary trading on digital exchanges, where you can trade digital assets 24/7 irrespective of boundaries.
LABS solutions on real estate portfolios enable investors to pick their own portfolio regarding the type of real estate such as residential, industrial, commercial, etc., regions, the risk versus return profiles, and exit timing. LABS brings back the power to investor’s hands.
LABS has confirmed projects and deal flows and will be partnered with real estate developers to digitize their projects. Investors would be able to take less risk by spreading their investments into a global portfolio of real estate that may not have been accessible in the past.
LABS helps to fractionalize real estate to make it more accessible to the general market. It allows access for everyone to invest in real estate without over-leveraging their own cash holdings.
Holding the LAB’s token in your wallet, you will be given incentives and access to exclusive real estate deals and the earliest price. LABS will work with partners to provide collateralized loans from physical real estate assets on the LABS platform.
LABS will operate a fully licensed real estate-focused securities exchange for secondary market liquidity. This will allow us to create more liquidity for investors and allow projects to raise capital through retail on the secondary market directly.
Real estate payouts are a time-consuming and tedious process. Labs remove all the middlemen and aim at providing faster payouts.
NFT’s and Security Token Issuance
Real Estate projects that are in the LABS issuance platform can issue an NFT. LABS can then tokenize that as a tradeable security token. Traditionally NFT’s have represented rare collectibles sold on open markets, such as trading cards and in-game collectibles. Why not use NFT’s to represent the real estate.
Use cases in the Labs Ecosystem
Laos understood that blockchain technology would make their fundraising much cheaper than a traditional investment bank that may or may not help them. They wanted to also tap into cryptocurrency wealth that they knew was there but did not know how to access. Labs helped them in fundraising and digitalizing their assets. The resort can be expected to finish in 2021. This is how Labs help Real estate agents to tokenize the assets and be a part of digitalized real estate ecosystem.
LABS will partner with Newzealand Major Real estate fund and help them structure, market, and raise the required amount to make it to the market.
LABS is working with a Thailand resort that will tokenize fractional pieces of their individual hotel rooms, which will allow retail buyers to buy an investment that they previously could not buy.
LABS will be built as a para chain on Rio Chain, a Polkadot Substrate.
Labs Group Collaborations
LABS Group partnered with Riochain to fix most of the barriers when transforming traditional financial systems to blockchain.
LABS Group received Strategic investment from YBB Foundation, a renowned venture capital firm focusing on blockchain infrastructure.
LABS Group partnered with Enjin. The partnership between LABS and blockchain ecosystem developer Enjin will transform the real estate industry and make the world’s largest asset class accessible to everyone through the tokenization of fractionalized real estate assets.
LABS Group announced a Strategic partnership with Polkacover to provide Defi and NFT Insurance Products. Polkacover is the First DeFi insurance marketplace for the global crypto ecosystem.
Genesis Block Venture, a full-service investment company, invested in Labs Group.
Social Channels
White Paper: labs whitepaper
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